With iPods, Kearns High students touch education’s future

9. November 2010

Nearly 1,700 students at Kearns High snagged a sleek new tool for their book bags on Friday: an iPod touch. Students at the high school screamed with delight during a kick-off assembly that featured students break dancing to digital beats.


Wireless Education Conference D.C.

7. November 2010

[…]  I was very impressed with the BYOT, or Bring Your Own Technology options presented by CTIO Bailey Mitchell of Forsyth County Schools, Georgia. That, as part of a blended approach to increasing the amount of technology in schools, really puts supporting the infrastructure in the driver’s seat, and the CTO’s role changes from “Dr. No” to Can Do. This is certainly a philosophy to be replicated. Students can work in their system with whatever device they bring in—iPads, iTouches, whatever—doesn’t matter. As Mitchell says so wonderfully, “Our user base tolerates no downtime.” […]


Purdue University To Deploy 4G (LTE) as Part of Wireless Rollout (6000 Cisco APs)

29. Oktober 2010

Purdue University will be one of the early recipients of Verizon Wireless‘ rollout of a 4G network starting this year. This fourth generation data network, which is using Long-Term Evolution (LTE) technology, is expected to provide four to 10 times the transmission speeds currently available in 3G networks.


Education Investments in Wireless Continue To Grow – in 2014 $6.8 bn!

11. Oktober 2010

Academic institutions in the United States are spending more than $5 billion annually on wireless hardware, software, and services. And, according to new research, that figure will climb to $6.8 billion by 2014.


Uni Kassel wird mobil

3. Oktober 2010

Die mobile Hochschule wird ab dem kommenden Wintersemester an der Universität Kassel zur Wirklichkeit. „Gemeinsam mit den Unternehmen Apple, Cisco Systems und Telekom hat die Hochschule ein bundesweit einmaliges Projekt gestartet, um neue Formen des Lehrens und Lernens zu entwickeln und zu erproben“, sagte Unipräsident Prof. Dr. Rolf-Dieter Postlep. Insgesamt wird die Universität Kassel für das Projekt über 500.000 Euro ausgeben. Für die erste Phase im WS 2010/2011 stehen etwa 200.000 Euro zur Verfügung. Das Hessische Ministerium für Wissenschaft und Kunst übernimmt davon die Hälfte.
